Friday, November 20, 2009

Optimism Goes A Long Way

Reading Cradle to Cradle, I realized that to push forward a dream to save the planet, we need optimism. Along with optimism, we need initiatives.
If the global community, really wants to save the planet, if the government cares about the planet, then we need to think outside the box. Instead of creating energy, why not use the energy we already have. The sun gives us light, heat, fuel and food in direct and indirect ways. Why not use the energy that is coming from above to heat up our homes, provide wind power to garner electricity, begin the process of photosynthesis for the plants to grow and become part of a the food cycle.
Instead of creating products that will be used and sent to a dump where it will sit there, why not model our system after nature. Nature creates, provides, and decomposes and reuses everything. Everything has a place and everything within that cycle is provided for. By thinking within the box will inevitably keep us where we are at now. This is why, optimism is going a long way. When we finally have people who think outside the box and see what can be done with the advancements of technology and the incorporation of nature, we can have eco friendlly building, products, transportation modes which are part of a continual cycle where nothing is watested. Everything is food. This is why Cradle to Cradle concept is on the right track but what we need is the initiative to get to these points. If we do not have the initiatives to get to this point, then this book will just be a concept on a reusable book that will become lost in the....dump..

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