Friday, December 4, 2009

Look Outside In Not Inside Out

The Future. The Future sounds pretty far off from now, the present. But in all reality, the Future is here, now, in the present. We all from time to time, think the future is far away and forget to calculate the actual distance in reality. However, when we look at this problem from the outside in, then we see that the future is now, not later. The Environmental Movement, which consist of different movements with different ideas to go fight for the whole movement, tends to present the future to us in a glaring light of what is going to happen in the future. But what I think what needs to be done is show, the future as now. Show the communities, what is happening now to our planet. And that is the problem. The Environmental Movement is pushing us to move in the right direction, but to many of the skeptics, they are being pushed in the wrong direction.
If I want the global community from everyone to the poorest of the poor to the richest of the rich, to the die hard skeptics to the all mighty believers that we are destroying the earth, then I would present it to them in the way they can easily comprehend it. We need to find the leverage point, in each situation in which people will be able to grasp it from their level and as a result, have it move it up to the next level to the very top.

Look at it from an economical standpoint. The market will not move to make solar panels, wind energy, and anything environmentally friendly unless there is the cost effective incentive to do so. Okay, so the question is, How do you make the market "agree" to be moved along with the environmental movement and make resources cost effective" You need the start up technology, investors, a plan, and producers and consumers. Produce the product, market it correctly, have a group venture to invest in it and show it off, give detail and upfront cost effectiveness in the long run and short run. Next, the supply will outweigh the demand, which means the prices will be expensive, but as the demand increases with subsidies and other trade measures, the price will decrease. Once the price hits the level where the majority that many can afford to buy it and then the cost is compared to fossil fuels, the market will show consumers, what is the most cost effective and advantageous to other resources.
In order for their to be a leverage, there has to be something that will make it change. In order for the masses to see what is happening now, it has to be presented in the now factor moving towards the future factor.
Thats all.

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