Thursday, September 3, 2009

09/03: Introductions and Ponderings

Engaged in a moment of 2009 history, I have fallen ill with H1N1 and am therefore writing to you today from bed, a participant in the epidemic. I just want you all to remember that I had Swine Flu before it was cool.

As you might already know, I am a senior at AU where I study IR: Global Environmental Politics and double in Philosophy, with a French minor. I used to live in Lyon, France and just got home from Cameroon, where I studied abroad this past spring. I grew up in Kansas on a farm with lots of animals. I get outdoors as much as possible, so if anyone has any great suggestions on camping or hiking around the DC area I always love to hear them.

I am constantly looking into green businesses in DC for work at Live Green, so I would love to hear more suggestions about green business you love! On that note, please check out our web page at! I would love to sell you a membership for $13 :). Also, if you like I can post about our new green spots on here so you can go check them out. Let me know if you are interested.

I am in IEP because I look forward to making sustainability and environment a part of my career and lifestyle. I would like to go into green building and pursue a masters in sustainable development. I hope that my ever-expanding resources on living green for less money in DC will benefit others in the IEP course. Also, I hope that my p.o.v. on balance and environmentalism combo-d with philosophy can add to group discussions. I am an avid Foucault reader as well as Deleuze (I have a Deleuze and Guitarri inspired "rhizome" tattoo on my left side), Nietzsche, Marx, and Sartre. I think these lovely thinkers have a lot to say about nature and our attitude towards politics, industry, government, and human responsibility and creativity.

Reading the article by Stanley is like listening to my dad gripe about why we have to pay for recycling, separate it, and tow it down our 1/4 mile long driveway in separate containers. All this from a man who willingly and carefully composts horse manure for his garden. I for one have a list of eco sins the length of my arm. I shower too often, I mostly quit smoking but did that for a long time, I fly for travel, and I eat non-sustainable seafood. Worse yet, I am surrounded by a schizophrenic peer group that is split between vegan/vegetarians, those of us who shop local/sustainable/grass-fed, and the I don't care to change-ers. This mélange of information offers a daily sort of confusion for me. Am I doing all that I can? No. Am I making efforts that I can maintain over the long-haul, improve upon, and still keep me healthy? Yes. Unlike Stanley, I got into this environment thing when I was a kiddo. Let's blame that on generational differences. However, I have had to alter and re-route my eco-choices along the way, making certain mistakes and sacrifices along the way. I believe that living environmentally in the US today means doing the best you can for you, staying up to date on information and opportunities to green your lifestyle, and making steps towards greener choices. I believe in balance and lifestyle changes. So, for me that meant giving up being a vegetarian when I became very ill and anemic and switching to little meat, grass-fed. However, I still have some deep seeded feeling that my vegan and veggie friends are better people than I. Alas, we do what we can. If I could only kick this sushi addiction......

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