Friday, September 18, 2009

Inspiring and Honest Leadership.

Dr. Maniates is, of course right, we have not been asked to do all that we can. Americans have a history of coming through when we are asked to by our leaders. But, our leaders today have not been honest with us about what we need to do and how important it is that we come through this time.

I want to look at the I=PAT equation. The P is population and Americans have not been asked to have fewer children. Americans abuse the environment at a disproportionate level; so, then one of the best ways we can reduce our global impact is to have few children and have a smaller population. Now of course I’m not advocating a policy like China’s One Child, I believe people should not be coerced into having fewer children by the government and indeed there are major human rights issues with the One Child Policy. But, rarely do people think about the environmental impact of having children. That should be on the radar screen.

The A part of the equation is where I think our government and other leaders have failed us the most. In my lifetime we have rarely been encouraged to consume less. In fact, I when I was in high school, George W. Bush actually encouraged consumption extolling its virtue as patriotic and American. That needs to stop, I can think of no society that consumes at a higher rate than we do.

Technology is the final part of the equation and another failure of the American leadership. Take automobiles for example, the technological accomplishments until recently have been developing bigger and bigger SUVs and trucks, transportation that is extremely inefficient. Technology has not been focused on developing affordable electric cars and more efficient and comfortable mass transit systems.

Combating climate change has been left to the free market, consumers would decide when the problems became too severe and they were ready to make the sacrifices. But, then the problem and consequences were down played and made to appear less severe. “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” is all we are really told to do; we can do so much more. Dr. Maniates is right, “throughout our history it has been knotty, vexing challenges, and leaders who speak frankly about them, that have fired our individual and communal imagination, creativity and commitment.” During the Great Depression and wars, our leaders have stepped up, spoken frankly and the American people came through. We can come through again, we just need inspiring and honest leadership.

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