Thursday, September 10, 2009

Stuffy Stuff Stuffers

The contention over stuff and buying it, having it, and throwing it away is rooted into the fabric of industrial society. I am also intrigued by how flustered people get when asked to think about their stuff. Peopel prefer to think of their relationship with their stuff as surface, very shallow, and uncomplicated. Of course we all have things we are attached to, but by and large even the 'things we can't live without' are sacrificed for upgrades when the newest model comes out. So, that said, it is no suprise to me that people got all in a huff over "The Story of Stuff". I agree that the academic response by Cohen makes easier reading as he is looking for a constructive answer. Also, I loved reading in the Times that her video inspired other videos by elementary schools and high schools. I personally think the video should be shown at schools and I plan on suggesting to a good friend who teaches in DC that she show her 5th grade class. The Heritage foundation neglects to consider that the litterature and information that neglects or underestimates our consumption problem is commonplace! Perhaps you could view "The Story of Stuff" as one-sided, but I think she is adding a voice that has long been ignored and deamonized. Also, labeling her "left" as he wants to do or "extreme" is counter-productive. She is NOT politically left, or "extreme", she is an environmental activist with some obviously Marx-influenced political ideas. Now, the fact ath Marx is a modern-day-satan to the uninformed American is another sad story entirely unto itself. I stand with Cohen in that I would love to see the sequel of Sustainable Stuff, but I think the blunt-edge information Annie offers is equally as important even if it is onlly a small part of the picture. What really gets me cooking is that some people want to shelter our children so much from independent thinking and from *oh no* their teachers. If you are so afraid of people re-considering capitalist ideology, you must be scared of something........knowledge?

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