Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Real Story of Stuff?

I was a little disheartened after watching the video of "The Story of Stuff". Why? I just didn't feel that everything was factual or even had a solid foundation for a lot of the accusations that were made. This made me sad because I had heard about this clip, and really wanted to be 100 % behind it...but I can't. This isn't to say that I thought it was all bad; but I now see how and why those that oppose it can jump all over it and tear it apart. I wish she were a little bit more careful on some of the "critical" statements that she made, and were able to back up some of those things like military spending and U.S. involvement in depletion of other countries' resources. Many of these environmental issues stem from the governments of the countries themselves, not solely U.S. presence and/or domination. However, I felt that most of what she said was very eye-opening and in a lot of cases, true - just difficult for people to wrap there minds around. I just hated that a lot of the comments made at the very beginning more than likely turned a lot of people off and against her...resulting in many people to be turned off and not open to the rest of what she had to say.

One thing that made me laugh hysterically, because I felt it was true, was during the revolving lifestyle that we come home from a long day of work to watch TV with ads saying "You Suck", leading us to buy products to make us feel better. That I will cherish the most...because I feel she hit the nail on the head with that.

I read both of the articles that were in regards to her film, and really felt along the same lines as Steve Cohen, from Columbia University's Earth Institute. When I read the second article from the Heritage Foundation, I was completely appauled and disgusted from the second paragraph on. I would love to say everything that was on my mind after reading this, but I won't. I just lost so much respect for those affiliated with that organization, and many of the people that responded in adhearence to that post. From the very beginning, I found so many holes in their arguments and distorted interpretation, that I couldn't even warrant any merit to the integrity of that person's article. It was sad, and I truly feel embarrassed for all of those who saw a basis for their opposing views from that article.

All in all, I really think it was a great model and representation for the most part. I enjoyed watching it, and am not opposed to her and her views in any way. EVERYTHING I see or read (i.e. media, blogs, articles), I know I'm getting one or a group of peoples' thoughts. It is open for debate/interpretation and I don't take it all as fact. That being said, I am not against her, and know where her heart was in making this short film...I just wish that she were more careful in some of her statements, which left her open to be attacked when what she was doing, was bringing a conscious and mindful eye to all of us who walk this planet.

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