Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's Time For A Real Revolution

I could not agree more with Michael Maniates' thoughts and views when it comes to how we are treating this crucial and life-threatening issue. We are truly being coddled and scared of upsetting anyone.....and why? This country, has NEVER had an issue when it came to demanding change. Racism, sexism, gay rights, Vietnam, and the list goes on and on and on. Why are we treating this any differently? The importance of protecting our environment goes above and beyond any of the other eras of protests and revolutions that we've experienced, because if we don't even have a planet that can sustain life to live on....nothing else matters - because we'll all be gone.

I have to admit, however, that I had not even seen it, nor had the slighest notion, to look at it from Maniates' viewpoint. I have to say that I was content on having everyone do just a little tiny bit to help out and do their part; being happy with the slightest progress. I still am, with any progress - as long as it's progress; but why are we not demanding a true change? There is not really any opposition to what's going on! So if this really is the case - why the intimidation and fear to make a change? It just doesn't make any sense.

When generations to come take their history classes, they will see how people had no fear to demand change and how they wanted it NOW! They protested, they rallied, they put themselves into very dangerous and frightening situations...all in the name of positive change. They can see this from almost any decade, and any meaningful and significant cause. When they come to us, at this time right here and now, we will be seen as cowards, and fools. For being too afraid to demand change on the most important issue of all - the plight of our planet. We have become so absurd as a society to where if we slip and fall, or someone says something we don't agree with, we threaten to sue, point fingers, or throw the biggest temper tantrums in a heartbeat, instead of owning up to our own faults and taking responsibility for our actions. I always thought that as time goes by, we are supposed to become a little bit wiser and move ourselves as a society into a positive and forward direction. It seems to me in a lot of instances, we are doing the opposite. We need to save face, and save ourselves, and stop the ridiculous behavior and do what we all know we need to do: Grow up, take responsibility of our actions, not be afraid of demanding change, and do something about what we care about and cherish - our lives.

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